YouTube CEO Wants Government To Step In And Censor The Internet

Online censorship has become an epidemic in 2022. It began when the CEO of YouTube removing the view’s ability to vote on videos. This was to protect certain corporate groups and political figures from scrutiny. Then YouTube began to purge, removing certain content creators for bogus violations. Sometimes without warning or strikes on the channel. The recent “Freedom” Convoy, truck drivers protesting in Canada, occupying the City of Ottawa with continuous honk horns, have also been dealing with YouTube problems. Their peaceful protesting has been censored, and the only coverage they’re putting out portray the protesters as potential terrorists. Canada’s president has recently blocked funding from several sites and have recently frozen accounts of backers. Many trucks have been stopped at the border and searched, allegedly due to anti-Islamic content. Canada’s president Justin Trudeau has blocked funding of the Convoy, citing “hateful” content.

The president of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, has called for laws to pass to censorship of the internet.

I raised an eyebrow, too. There are 2 things in this world that Google values: Money and Data. YouTube is the biggest moneymaker for Google, so of course, they're going to prioritize making money. But Google values data. They bought it with $23B in 2005, and since then, data has become their primary revenue source. When the government steps in and decides that certain websites are illegal or should be censored, it’s the users that suffer the consequences. It’s like there is no free speech on the internet. YouTube and Google want to destroy free speech on the internet, and they are working with Democrats to do it. To combat child exploitation, two U.S. senators will introduce a bill today that would protect children online. The “Kids Online Safety Act” is co-sponsored by Democrat Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Republican Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. The bill would require social media platforms to provide parents with tools to protect children from predatory content. It would also require companies like Facebook and YouTube to employ employees to review flagged content, and create a “kids-only” mode on websites and apps.

“We must ensure that our kids, especially the most vulnerable among us, are protected online,” Senator Blumenthal said in a statement.

The government having more control over the internet. I think the "Kids Online Safety Act" will lead to the government banning more content on the internet. Google and YouTube have already been censoring conservatives and libertarians. They have censored over 2 million videos and over 6,000 channels.

This is a very disturbing situation that is made even more so by the government's overreach. Not only will YouTube's censorship affect its existing content, but it could also have a chilling effect on free speech and creative expression. The world of the internet is full of questionable ethics, political bias, and hacks that stray from the mainstream. But what’s usually missed is the opportunity to expose people’s biases and strengthen the bonds between people. It turns out that a lot of the public doesn’t trust the websites they read or trust the media that much. Want the ability to publish a video on Social Media without being censored? Check out