I’m campaigning for Odysee.com

Since my exit from YouTube, I’ve been going on a campaign against censorship and big tech. I never realized how much Google had control over so much around me. I stop using Blogger since I realized I can’t even add videos from Odysee onto the page, only YouTube videos. I’m pretty sure I could still use Blogger for some SEO but What a pain in the ass. While I still have another YouTube channel dedicated to my video production work, and I pay a subscription to the premium YouTube (No Ads) I’m starting to wake up and ask my why the hell do I still have YouTube? Yes, it still is the biggest video platform and the most well known, but for the past year it seems like it’s gone through some serious changes. On Twitter, I see my favorite video creators complain about censorship and demonetization over stupid shit. They say it’s the algorithm, but I’m thinking they’re just weeding us out. Edgy content is being switched out to some clean Mickey Mouse bullshit and is making The platform boring in my opinion. Before getting kicked off the platform I wasn’t monetized, it used to be very easy to get to monetize, and I’ve seen creators make a lot, but now you’d be lucky if you made enough to buy a cup of coffee. Which leads me to Odysee.com and why you should fully brace it. Odysee.com feels like the YouTube I knew back in the early 2000s. The more I learn about how Odysee.com works, The more I get excited on what the future could hold on this platform. Earning crypto while watching content or putting my videos on site is mind-blowing. So far I only have 26 videos up and a small following but even with that I’ve already earned more in a month than I would have through YouTube. The other thing I like about odyssey.com is that there are no ads. I mean zero ads. Unlike YouTube, if you don’t have a paid subscription, you are constantly bombarded with ads that pop up every so often in the videos. It’s annoying, but it was the only way certain creators were getting paid. Unfortunately, they would never get anywhere near the fraction of what YouTube would get in revenue for that ad. But On Odysee since it’s all crypto base, Viewers can you give you support or tips to your channel. LBRY is Crypto that Odysee runs on and can be exchanged to Fiat or bitcoin. As of me writing this, Odysee does not have any corporate sponsorship, and I hope it stays that way. The less control from corporate or political groups that will sway opinions and Censor critics, the better. Odysee will be The best competitor to YouTube. It’s just getting started and so am I, and that’s why I’m also looking for a video editor. I have to hit the ground running on this new platform, getting as many videos as possible up. But with certain productions such as lewd reviews, It requires more time in editing, writing, and executing. It’s really hard to keep up, so I’m looking for the help.