Twitter, the last beacon of freedom?
Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, my experience on the platform was dismal. A year ago my tweets were barely getting any interaction, and I wasn’t getting enough of the things I wanted to read about on the platform. I had checked my twitter to see if I was shadow-banned. To my surprise, not only was I shadow-banned, I was also ghost banned. My tweets were not reaching anyone outside the circle of followers. On top of things, I was constantly bombarded by bots. Zero real people. There was also a lot of censorship that was happening. I’m sort of a dark humor kind of guy. Some of my jokes were misunderstood by twitters algorithm and I would get messages below my tweets, fact checking my jokes. It was annoying.
Not too long, I ran into a blog about conspiracy theory called the “dead Internet”. The theory suggest that the majority of the Internet is made up of bots instead of real people. The way Twitter was being run at that time, I almost accepted that theory. It seems like I was getting less and less real interaction on the platform. During the lockdowns and following year, Twitter was removing people that spoke against the Covid narrative. Anyone who suggested anything outside the World Health Organization (W.H.O) either got suspended or kicked off the platform completely. Their excuse was you were spreading “misinformation”.
Victory over twitter ownership
Then Elon Musk decided to take a break from rocket engineering and electric cars to buy Twitter. He said he wanted to bring back freedom to the platform and reinstate banned Twitter users, including former President Trump. People went nuts. Suddenly, supporters of the billionaire tycoon turned against him. Even the White House, once encouraged the country to buy his expensive electric car for climate’s sake, turned on him. Elon didn’t give a shit, he wanted to be the champion of free of speech… And trolling.
Billionaire wearing devil armor for Halloween
Since his purchase, Musk has radically changed a lot of things at Twitter. He’s cut down on his staff, fired executives and troll the media that called him a tyrant and a “danger to democracy”. I’ve been enjoying the show.
Overall, I think the takeover from Musk was an improvement. Fewer bots and more engagement for sure. Everybody complained that Twitter was going to be a shitshow, but everybody came to Twitter because it was going to be a shitshow. The confrontation and debates, it’s what made Twitter the great cesspool that it is. And I love it! Musk has even removed The obstacle of talking about Covid on the platform. No longer will Twitter strike down a user for supposed misinformation.